- Fri 2514:30-15:30

It doesn’t look well for them. In a strange and dangerous universe, a boy named Orion and his dog Houston are in deep trouble; The evil pirate “Jack the Scottish” chases them! On the horizon, on top of a dark and steep mountain lays their goal; a mysterious and precious object.
What they do not know is that this object holds within the greatest secret…
Esteban Henriquez Galeano (UK)
Professional Graphic Designer. First he started to work in the field of websites and mobile apps design but gradually he got interested in the Motion Graphics, Animation and video games design area.
After having worked as a video game director at «Spes Technology studio» and as a digital composition and vectorial illustration teacher at «LSI university» in Barranquilla, Colombia he moved to Valencia, Spain to get a Master’s degree in Directing of 3D animation.