- Thu 2410:00-23:00
- Fri 2510:00-23:00
- Sat 2610:00-23:00
- Sun 2710:00-23:00

Historically, female sexuality has been stigmatized and shamed. It’s seen as something dirty, to be hidden. In many places, that’s still the case today. Artgasm brings female sexuality into the open as something beautiful to be celebrated. This digital art piece visualizes the physiological experience of female pleasure from anonymous volunteers using the Lioness, a smart vibrator with biofeedback sensors. The circle reflects vaginal contractions, the patterned lines capture a user’s amount of motion, the background noise shows the vibrator motor intensity, and the color is the orgasm pattern (a particular pattern of pelvic floor/vaginal squeezes).
Lioness (USA)
Lioness is a leader in sexual health innovation. They are a women-led team of rebellious artists and engineers whose mission is to demystify female sexuality. Their first product, the Lioness Vibrator, was used to create the art piece here and has a radical mission of helping women learn and explore their own unique bodies. In partnership with researchers and therapists, Lioness intends to help bring female sexuality into the twenty-first century—both in acceptance but also in our understanding of it, which has been neglected due to the taboo of the subject for far too long.