Construction dans l’espace et le silenc
- Sun 2718:30-20:00

The artwork is a video clip of Paolo Tarsi’s “Construction dans l’espace et le silence” music song, released for Carmps Record. It is a collaboration between Emiliano Zucchini, a visual artist, and Paolo Tarsi, a composer. This work is meant to represent the creation of the space and the silence starting from nothing, from the alpha level, from zero. The white and gray checkerboard background, in computer visual & video graphics, represents the digital void, the starting point of the image, a dimension where the sound and the shape are developed. The destruction of reality and the beginning of virtual reality.
Emiliano Zucchini & Paolo Tarsi (IT/IT)
Emiliano Zucchini is a visual artist who lives and works in Rome. He has exhibited in museums and galleries in Italy and abroad. His works are present in these collections: Tate Gallery Archives, London; MART, Rove¬reto, Collezione Palli, Prato; Museo MAAM, Rome; Museo MUSINF, Senigallia; Galleria Civica, Modena; Museo Nori De’Nobili, Treca¬stelli (AN).
Paolo Tarsi is a musician composer who lives in Italy. He has recorded several record publications with important and historical record labels. He took part as a performer / composer in performances and installations presented in contemporary galleries and art museums such as the MAXXI, Rome); the MUSMA, Matera; the Visual Arts Center Pescheria (Pesaro).