Cyma {Fos}
- Thu 2410:00-23:00
- Thu 2410:00-23:00
- Thu 2410:00-23:00
- Thu 2410:00-23:00

Data driven kinetic light & sound sculpture.
Acrylic bars, leds, Raspberry Pi, screen, Arduino, motor, speakers & custom software.
Cyma {Fos} (from Greek: κῦμα, meaning “wave” and φως meaning “light”) is a real time data driven kinetic light and sound sculpture highly inspired by natural repeatability and wave movement. An array of light acrylic bars is hanged from the ceiling and reaches the floor. The bottom bar is rotating periodically and sets the whole sculpture in motion, creating a wave that physically spreads from one bar to the other. Real time data of the solar wind are defining the motion of the wave. This invisible wind is moving the sculpture in the natural fundamental frequency and in higher harmonics in a hypnotic and mesmerizing way. At the same time an audioscape is creating by 58 sin audio oscillators, each for every light bar, with different frequencies.
Yannis Kranidiotis (GR)
Yiannis Kranidiotis is new media artist whose work explores the relationship between science and art using mainly light and sound to create spaces and experiences where both coexist and interact. He is interested in physical phenomena like the harmonic oscillation, the natural repeatability and the wave movement and also in exploring and transforming scientific data, like the new exoplanet discoveries or the solar wind properties. Many of his works include motion and interaction where others includes data processing and sonification methods. This requires a cross-disciplinary work with sound, visual arts, coding, electronics and physics. He has a BS in Physics from University of Partas and M.Sc. in Optics from Essex University. He lives and works in Athens.