Hotel Overlook
- Sat 2618:30-19:30

Six people, resided in the rooms of this fantasy hotel, have been deformed from their original human state. As they are transformed into something “grotesque¨ and immured into their own pathogenicity, they are trying to adjust to their current form. The influences of Hieronymus Bosch, Edward Hopper and Doug Aitken are those which frame the condition of the works, while references in movies and paintings co-exist with the beastly protagonists. The title is based on the Overlook Hotel, Stanley Kubrick’s “The Shining” shooting location.
Michael Tzetzias (GR)
On July 2017 he graduated from the Department of Plastic Arts and Art Sciences of the Fine Arts school of the University of Ioannina after studying there for 5 years. His main interest is Visual Art and his medium Digital Sculpting. Since last September he resides and works in Madrid, Spain on VFX for movies while obtaining his Μaster in 3D Character Art.