The Punishment
- Thu 2410:00-23:00
- Fri 2510:00-23:00
- Sat 2610:00-23:00
- Sun 2710:00-23:00

The Punishment is a robotic installation executes a preventive punishment for its possible future disobedience. A reference to Isaac Asimov’s laws of robotics. Technologies are now merging at high speed, notably robotics and artificial intelligence. It raises a lot of questions about man-machine relation. Tainted with dark humor, this dystopian anthropomorphization also underlines the fears that robotics engenders. How automated do we want our world, our body to be? What physical, moral and legal framework should we use? What consequences for human life? Which post-work society should we build? Isn’t it time to reinvent the school? At the turn of the century, questions related to automation are popping up in everyone’s mind. We will have to answers them collectively, if possible.
Filipe Vilas-Boas (PT)
Filipe Vilas-Boas (1981, Portugal) is a new media artist currently living and working in Paris. Without being a naive tech utopist or a reluctant technophobe, he explores our use of technology and its political, social and environmental implications. His installations and conceptual artworks question the global digitalization of our societies, mostly by merging our physical (IRL) and digital (URL) entities. From streets interventions to robotic hacks, Vilas-Boas’ artistic research takes multiple forms but everything tends to point out our need to collectively decide and design our world.