Trophy Camera v0.9
- Thu 2410:00-23:00
- Fri 2510:00-23:00
- Sat 2610:00-23:00
- Sun 2710:00-23:00

‘Trophy Camera’ is a photo camera that can only make award winning pictures. Just take your photo and check if the camera sees your picture as award winning. This A.I. powered camera has been trained by all previous winning World Press Photo’s of the year. Based on the identification of labeled patterns, the camera is programmed to recognise, make and save only winning photos, which are automatically uploaded to the dedicated website Produced on the occasion of the exhibition Braakland, FOMU, Antwerp, Belgium, April 2017. With the support of KASK / School of Arts and the Arts Research Fund of University College Ghent, Belgium.
Dries Depoorter (BE)
Assembling, sharing and experimenting with private data found on the internet, digital artist Dries Depoorter tackles in a thought-provoking and playful issues like social identity, big data sharing, encryption and (the lack of) protection of our online privacy. His latest project is named: Die With Me, the chatroom app you can only use when your phone is about to die. Depoorter studied electronics for six years before making the switch to media arts at the KASK School of Arts Ghent, where he graduated in 2015. Dries worked 2 years for an advertising agency. His interactive media installations have been presented worldwide. Depoorter exhibited internationally at the Barbican, Mutek Festival, Bozar, IDFA Doclab, Mundaneum. FOMU, Ars Electronica, Athens Digital Art Festival, Art Soutterain, MU, and he did talks worldwide: TEDx Brussels, SXSW Austin, KIKK-festival, STRP festival, Mutek Montreal, Internet Week Denmark, Future Flux Festival, GetXoPhoto,Night By Us. This artiwok has been realised in collaboration with Max Pinckers