Approximation Theory Talk
- Thu 2419:00-19:45

Approximation Theory is an art-research project in visual mathematics and data aesthetics. It consists of a series of prints and videos that visualize the mathematical idea of approximation. This talk summarizes the various artistic experiments that led to this project and its mathematical context. We will emphasize that mathematical approximation theory provides an innovative way of thinking about abstraction in visual art.
Felipe Cucker (UY)
Felipe Cucker (Montevideo, Uruguay) is Chair Professor of Mathematics at the City University of Hong Kong. His research covers a variety of subjects, including semi-algebraic geometry, computer algebra, complexity, emergence in decentralized systems, and the relations between art and mathematics, on which he published one book (“Manifold Mirrors”, Cambridge University Press, 2013).
Hector Rodriguez (LPA)
Hector Rodriguez (Las Palmas, Canary Islands), an Associate Professor at City University of Hong Kong, is an experimental software artist whose work investigates the specific possibilities of information technologies to reconfigure our experience of moving images and our relation to film history. His work integrates video art with mathematics and computer science, exploring the tension between digital abstraction and cinematic representation