BitCoin of Things (BoT) Installation
- Thu 2410:00-23:00
- Fri 2510:00-23:00
- Sat 2610:00-23:00
- Sun 2710:00-23:00

Bitcoin of Things (BoTs), is an installation formed by daily life objects modified to be used as Bitcoin miners, able to connect to the blockchain, mine the latest block and if successful get the reward, that in May 2018 is 12.5 BTCs (~82000€). BoT speculates with new ways of mining the blockchain that would turn it into a sustainable technology. Not like today where the carbon footprint and energy expenditure it produces is enormous. The possibilities to get the reward are low, but it plays with the idea of finding the philosopher’s stone capable of turning any object into gold (in this case bitcoins). BoT is a lottery with the worst chance of winning ever invented.
César Escudero Andaluz (ES)
César Escudero Andaluz is an artist and researcher focused on Human-Computer Interaction, interface criticism, digital culture and its social and political effects. His work spans image-making, sculpture, videogame, installation, networked culture, IoT, robotics, media archaeology. Since 2011 he is researching at the Kunstuniversität Linz in Interface Culture LAB. His artworks have been shown in international electronic-art events, museums, galleries and conferences including ARS ELECTRONICA CENTER (AT) /ZKM (DE) ISMAR2015 (JP) / WRO2015 (PL) / TRANSNUMERIQUES (FR) / HANGAR. ORG (ES) / KIKK (BE)/ ROME MEDIA ART FESTIAL (IT)/ ADAF (GR).
Martin Nadal (ES)
Martin Nadal (BSc) is an artist/developer based in Linz and studying the Interface Cultures program at KunstUni. In the past years he has collaborated in a variety of projects and taught some workshops related to art and technology. He is also interested in illustration and cinematography. And lately is developing few works about bitcoin and cryptocurrencies. His works have been shown at Medialab Prado (ES), Ars Electronica(AT), AMRO Festival (AT) Settimana della scienza (AT),ZKM(DE),ADAF(GR)