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Current Language

  • Fri 2520:00-21:00
MC 3
Current Language

Algorithms have become the new means in which information is categorised. Information is accessible to a higher percent of society today, however, as Pierre Levy puts it, we interact with a massive media-library (post-encyclopedia); thanks to the interface, users are not required to comprehend the method in which information is categorised. But is it necessary to understand the method in order to fully achieve full democratisation of information? Would a deeper understanding of this computational process change the way we perceive information? And above all, does the method have to understand us? With Current Language, we engage on a research-based project where Google’s Cloud Vision API becomes the base ground to explore the above questions.

Carmen Dusmet Carrasco & Guillaume Roux (ES/FR)

Carmen is a Spanish graphic designer, currently finalising her studies at the Royal Academy of Art, in The Hague, Holland. She previously completed a Bachelor in Psychology, in Madrid. Her interest in human behavior and how this one is affected by social, political and cultural factors is the main drive of her work. Mainly focused on moving image, she analyses the transformation of the discipline, and its adaptation to other fields through autonomous working processes. She explores the possibilities of design existing in other contexts and the power it has to trigger new perspectives of conversation.
Guillaume is a French graphic designer, graduating from his master at the Institut Supérieur des Beaux Arts de Besançon. He is interested in new digital media, and the impact these have for designers. His work is based on 3D animation and interactive design. He studies how new encryption technologies can open possibilities for designers and their collaborations by involving them into the working process.