Singularity WOW -The W:OW Art Film & Video Festival (DE)
- Fri 2515:30-16:20

Living in the mass society of our time, is generating both at the same time – feeling safe and, at the same time lost in the anonymity of the mass and the need for breaking out of the anonymity, being particular, singular, differently than the others, forming on one hand secrete societies of like minded and – generating on the other hand the phenomenon of self-relatedness and permanent self-profiling causing consequently the loss of one’s own connectivity to nature and society. The videos by Yao Cong, Francesca Leoni, Bill Domonkos, S/n, and Francesca Lolli reflect such contemporary phenomenons celebrating singularity each one in its own way by using an individual language of the physical performance.
Yao Cong (CH) | B²EAU²T²Y (2014) | 15:30 min
The matter between civilization and nature has become a portrayal of human desires, and the continuous understanding and representation of nature has become a way of human civilization expansion. Human beings transform nature in the nature landscape, human beings explore the potential of desire from human nature, human beings move in contradiction, and proceed the so-called forward.
Civilization has long indulged in the pleasure of camouflage. Being admired or merely accepted is a polarizing desire when gender identities are adopted or imposed. nature become the symbol of truth and Utopia.
Combining image language with Contemporary Dance Theater in an unprecedented form of dance video, I have blurred the line between real space and surreal space by advancing bidirectional narration through the wearing and removal of makeup. Straightforwardly unmask the cruelty of the subject in an infinite cycle using symbolization to deconstruct existing rights, orders, systems and values.
Francesca Leoni (IT) | Ego – Crazia (Chapter 1) (2016) | 08:20 min
The dynamics and search of power inside oneself and inside society. What pushes someone in the search of personal and social power and how it transforms human beings.
Bill Domonkos (US) | Il Custode/The Custodian (2013) | 03:19 min
A short film by Bill Domonkos that combines archive film footage and 3D animation. Inspired by the androerotic art of Tom of Finland and set to the music of Puccini’s “E lucevan le stelle” from the opera Tosca.
s/n (Jennida Chase & Hassan Pitts) (US) | The Fawn (2017) | 08:15 min
The Fawn is a collaborative, intergenerational storytelling project for the 21st century. This social media born, expanded cinema work unites art and life through the reinvention and the magical realism of a child’s imagination, who is constantly stuck at her parent’s work, and she moves to another level with Snapchat. The Fawn is a no budget work that utilizes free mobile applications to explore character and contemporary issues in ecology through the whimsical perspective of childhood.
Francesca Lolli (IT) | The dying Lilium (2016) | 03:27 min
The video performance is the transposition of men sacking Mother Nature.
The W:OW Art Film & Video Festival (DE)
As a part of THE W:OW PROJECT and dedicated to the audio-visual medium, THE W:OW ART FILM AND VIDEO FESTIVAL is dealing thematically with the Present and Future of planet Earth under the influence of the human species. WE ARE ONE WORLD is not just another artistic topic, it is the complex reality and at the same time an Utopia that matters.
The „world“ is not just planet Earth as an all encompassing whole, but also the „world“ in terms of the environment or place the individual is living in: family, circle of friends, society, city, region, country or continent, or other sortlike unities marking the individual and collective identity, their relation between each other, and the responsibility of the individual for each other and the Whole.
Initiated by artvideoKOELN & The New Museum of Networked Art – directed by Wilfried Agricola de Cologne – The W:OW Art Film & Video Festival is representing such a sample world on a small scale, in which artists, curators and worldwide networking partners and, not to forget, the audience are acting in mutual respect, demonstrating the diversity of artistic and curatorial concepts. According to its concept, the W:OW Project and its festival – incorporating different levels on a local and global scale – are manifesting at many venues all over the world – in 2017 in different constellations in India (Kolkata & Kochi Muziris Biennial Kerala), Ecuador, Brazil, Greece, Cyprus, Venezuela, Ethiopia, Ukraine.
Curated by Agricola de Cologne
Agricola de Cologne is the director and curator of artvideoKOELN international, founded in 2005 – running the CologneOFF International Festival Network. The latest festival format is representing – The W:OW Art Film & Video Festival founded in 2017.