The Modulor
- Sun 2718:30-20:00

Take a gymnasium, three gym modules (blue, red and yellow), a human figure (Guillaume Martial himself) and you’ll get THE MODULOR. The Modulor is an architectural unit measurement invented by Le Corbusier in 1945. According to the architect, it would allow maximum comfort in the relationship between man and his living space … In a physical play with space, Guillaume Martial revisits this notion and questions its meaning and our relationship with architecture. Resulting in a new way of reading: absurd, surreal and comical…
Guillaume Martial (FR)
Guillaume Martial is a French artist, video maker and photographer born in 1985 in Normandy. After ten years of intensive figure skating, he studied film and animated image. In the burlesque cinema tradition, his work raises the question of the place of the man in the space with quite a playing and dérision. In 2015, he was the prize-winner of the prestigious HSBC award for photography. His work is regularly exhibited in galleries, festivals and international institutions. He pursues his personal researches during artist residencies, accepts private and public commissions and teaches with several publics. Guillaume Martial is represented in France and Swiss by the gallery Esther Woerdehoff.