- Thu 2410:00-23:00
- Fri 2510:00-23:00
- Sat 2610:00-23:00
- Sun 2710:00-23:00

The user by wearing an HMD becomes immersed in a dark world without a horizon or any light.The only way out exists in another dimension, in the physical world. In the user’s surrounding environment there’s a wall painted with a color that detects thermal activity. Through touch and temperature he/she can leave his/her trails. Those trails turn to wormholes, change the horizon and open gateways to new dimensions where space, time and the powers of nature create new worlds. While most VR experiences use sight as the main sense, Vitrails uses touch and heat in order to richen the experience. Through this experience the user becomes part of a continuous passage from the real world to the virtual and vice versa.
collectif Continuum (GR)
Continuum is the name of a group of artists / researchers at the Inrev laboratory of the University Paris 8 and the EnsadLab research laboratory of Ensad in Paris.
Their work is based on concepts such as the use of materials and/or objects as custom interfaces, mixed reality, digital aesthetics and the use of AI in an artistic context. They are interested in the interweaving of the real with the virtual world by creating new ways of interactions through a research that focuses on the merge of science, technology and arts.
Among other things, they have created interactive artworks and installations that have been presented at various festivals such as the Amber in Istanbul, Piksel in Bergen, Laval Virtual in Laval, Futur en Seine in Paris and others.