December 11, 2018
Athens Digital Arts Festival (ADAF), undertook the art direction and curated the luminous interactive installations at Stavros Niarchos Park.
This Christmas time, the Stavros Niarchos Park is full of light and sounds, through a series of interactive installations forming a magical winter wonderland.
Explore the Stavros Niarchos Park, walk past or through the installations, discover the light frames, upload your selfies and immerse yourselves in a unique holiday festival of lights.
- Child Hood
(Collectif Coin, France – Co-production: La Casemate)
Child Hood is a cloud, made up of a large number of luminous balloons, oscillating between numeric minimalism and a large kinetic installation. This cloud invades space as the balloons waft gently in the wind. Acting as the ultimate interpreter, an element of chaos is introduced into a meticulous light and sound composition.
- The Wave
(Vertigo, Denmark)
The Wave is an immersive 80-meter-long medium, allowing visitors to walk through and around the construction and thereby influencing the audible and visual content. The art piece consists of 40 motion sensitive gates 4 meters high, forming The Wave – a stunning interactive tunnel of light and sound. The content of the generative artwork is perpetually unique, consistently responding to the number, movement pace and patterns of the audience.
Everything and nothing is coincidental when art collective Vertigo hands over the control of The Wave to spectators and let them influence and unfold the temporary room of art that is present.
The Wave was created to be presented at Ofelia Plads in Copenhagen, as part of the 2017 Frost Festival. It was commissioned by the Frost Festival and the Ofelia Plads Association. The work has been presented in Copenhagen, London, and Liverpool, among other places.
- Globoscope (Collectif Coin, France – Co-production: Insight Outside)
Globoscope is an immersive work made up of 270 luminous spheres. By means of this technological mechanism, Collectif Coin creates a digitalized recreation of the space. Configured in harmony with the characteristics of the venue, each individual point, each pixel in this landscape, is merged into an ensemble of sound and light movements that swirl through. Mathematics, sound, and light are in this way used to represent, transform, and expand a space, offering the viewer a surrealist stroll.
The installation premiered at the Fête des Lumières de Lyon in 2014. Special thanks to Smart and Green.
- Illumaphonium
(Michael Davis, Great Britain)
Illumaphonium is a dynamic and interactive, multisensory, music making installation – the first of its kind. Created by musician and inventor Michael Davis, the semi-acoustic, the semi-automatic, multiplayer musical sculpture stands over three and a half meters tall and consists of more than two hundred illuminated chime bars. Each of which responds to touch, with ever-changing patterns of light and sound, spreading out like waves over the giant instruments surface, bringing people together into a fun and spontaneous music-making experience.
The installation has been shown at the Lumiere light festival in London, as well as in several other festivals in England and Scotland.
- Finish Line Digital Canvas
(ADAF, Greece)

Especially for the SNF RUN 2019 FIRST RUN that will take place a few minutes after we welcome the New Year, Athens Digital Arts Festival (ADAF) has created a unique interactive and participatory installation. Finish Line Digital Canvas will display runners as they cross the finish line in real time, forming a mosaic of human bodies. As participants run to the future, ADAF will bring them even closer by enhancing their experience by imprinting them on a digital canvas that will unite individual efforts into a collective body.
SNFCC’s Christmas World comes alive thanks to Stavros Niarchos Foundation.